List of Known Bugs

The list of known bugs in every version of MonolixSuite can be found in the release notes of the next version.

We list below the known bugs in PKanalix 2024R1 (they will be fixed in the next version).


  • Clicking on Check lambda_z tab triggers a star (unsaved changes) even though the project has not changed.
  • Exporting to Simulx a PKanalix project where a covariate is used in a custom NCA parameter, without that covariate, results in an error.
  • Ctau and AUC_TAU are not correctly calculated when there is no observation points at the end of the interval (time=tau) and lambda_z could not be calculated. Instead of being NaN, Ctau is equal to Clast and AUC_TAU is equal to AUC_last. This bug is also present in previous versions. Note that when lambda_z is available, Ctau and AUC_tau are correctly calculated bu extrapolating the concentration until time=tau using lambda_z.