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List of plot settings

This page describes all the settings that can be used in plot placeholders and are not editable by changing settings in the interface. All of them are optional (default values are described in the Default column).


Setting Group Default Possible values Description Example
widthCm 16 positive numbers Width of the plot in the report document in centimetres. widthCm: 16
widthInches 6.3 positive numbers Width of the plot in the report document in inches. widthInches: 6.3
heightCm 11.1 positive numbers Height of the plot in the report document in centimetres. heightCm: 11.09
heightInches 4.37 positive numbers Height of the plot in the report document in inches. heightInches: 4.37
zoom 100 positive numbers Larger values will increase the label font sizes and margins. zoom: 80
caption no caption a phrase Caption that will appear next to the plot. caption: Individual fits
captionAbove false true, false If true, caption will be positioned above the plot. If false, caption will be positioned below the plot. captionAbove: true
legendPosition settings ne n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw Position of the legend, based on abbreviations of compass points. legendPosition: sw

For all other settings, select the settings of your plot in the GUI and then click the “copy placeholder” button to see the corresponding placeholder.